The summer holidays are here, bringing joy and exhaustion in equal measure! If you have school aged children you will be wrangling them! If you have a little one you’ll be keeping on as normal, but suddenly your favourite haunts are swamped with big kids and half the groups you normally attend are cancelled.
Nappuccino is running on Wednesdays and Fridays all summer!
At the Baby Room Nappuccino will be running as normal throughout the summer holidays. Every Wednesday 9.20-2.30, and Friday 12-2.30! We will also be running Saturccino on the first Saturday of the month 10.30-12.30 on August 4th and September 1st. Both Jen and Gill will be away at some points during the holidays (Gill is away on August 17, 22 and 24, sling library will run for returns and hires without fittings on those dates) but we will cover each other as much as possible so the group is still on.
The rest of the Baby Room timetable looks pretty sparse over summer, most other classes are finishing until September. We also have some timetable changes and new classes starting in the Autumn so things look lovely and busy then.
Post Natal Pilates with Annette will be back on September 3rd at 1.30pm. No need to book, but if you would prefer to or would like to know more please contact Annette here.
On Mondays from 11th September Kim Allen will be back with a new Baby Reflexology course. You can contact her here to book your space.
Bumps and Babies will be back on a new day and time of Mondays at 11.30 – 1.00 from the 11th September. This is the flagship group for the NCT and prides itself on being an open and welcoming group for all bumps and babies. You do NOT need to be an NCT member or have attended any of their courses or classes to come along, and it is a wonderful way to make new friends and find support. Please bring lunch if you wish to! We would also love some new volunteers to take this group and run with it so if you’re looking to give a bit back please consider volunteering – just mention it at the group.
Sadly the lovely Wendy Goldthorp has moved to a new home at Barefoot Physio. However, this has meant that Clare can increase the number of spaces she has for Baby Massage. Starting Tuesday September 11th she is running two five week courses, one from 10.45 to 12.15, and one from 12.30 to 2pm. Message here to book your spot
Your usual Nappuccino goodness of Jen and Gill and Nappies and Slings and Cake and Tea and Babies! Every Wednesday 9.30-2.30 including Summer Holidays!
Thula Mama will be back on Thursdays in September with beautiful singing to uplift your soul and make your babies smile! Please know that you don’t need to be a great singer to join in, the voices blend together and everyone can take part! Find out more here.
Starting on 20th September we will be running a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter Course at The Baby Room. The course is being supplied by Healthy Babies UK and is an accredited qualification. If you’re interested in attending this course contact us here. We have already had a lot of interest and limited places though, so please understand it may not be possible to accommodate everyone.
After school on Thursdays from 13th September we are pleased to introduce Helen O’Grady Drama Classes for lower Primary from 4-5pm and Upper Primary from 5pm-6pm at The Baby Room after school. Contact them here.
On 28th September at 10.00 we are very excited to welcome Sing ‘n’ Sign to The Baby Room for a course to learn signing with your baby. Please message here to find out more or book your place!
From 12 on Fridays it is business as usual with Nappuccino – Slings, Nappies and Nibbles with a good cup of tea. Every Friday including school holidays until 2.30.
Other Events this Autumn:
We also have more events coming up – on Thursday 20th September we are holding a Maternity sale. If you have had your baby please bring along your old maternity wear to sell. If you are expecting please come along to buy some clothes, or if you’ve recently had your baby label your maternity wear with your name and price and drop it off.
On 4th October we welcome back our wonderful antenatal The Pudding Club – a chance to learn all about slings, nappies and newborns. Find out more here.
And on 20th October we have a fundraising Ladies Clothes Swap – bring along a selection of good quality clean clothes, have a little drink, and try a few things on – auction at the end for items people are in competition for.