Baby and Toddler Car Boot Sale

6th November – 10am-12 noon.

Bargains a plenty!
There will be a serious amount of fab stuff at this event! Probably the last one for the year so come and grab some prezzies for your little one….they wont know it’s not new!

We need to raise money for some new breastpumps at The Baby Room as ours are getting old, your entrance fee of £1 goes to this worthy cause.

Baby and toddler things get used so lightly, and often only for a few weeks. It’s so wasteful to keep buying new things when there are families who have finished with an item who could sell it on to you. Hopefully when you’re finished with it you can do the same. Just imagine if we all bought new baby stuff – the world would be chocka block with vests!

Gill has a sling stall and I have a nappy stall, MerryGoRound our local toy library have a stall too and there are 15 other mums and dads coming with some amazing bargains.

We will be outside in the Infant School Car Park off Pretoria Road, EX1 2PS

Fingers crossed for nice weather!